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Review of After You by Jojo Moyes

After You Review - Warning: SPOILER ALERT


First of all, I still feel very ‘eh’ about this book. To quote the great Geneva herself when talking about the new Beauty and the Beast movie “It was the definition of adequate”. I had a lot of issues with the large plot points of this book. After loving Me Before You, I was left with the hope that Louisa was going to be okay after Will, that she was going to live well and boldly. She was going to travel, yes she was going to grieve, but she would have the memories and know that Will was satisfied with his decision.

Lou really disappointed me. Not in how long she grieved or was depressed, because do you really get over something like that? Or does it just become a part of who you are and you live on despite it? Lou was working at an airport bar, hating her job, boss, and uniform. I can just see Will cringing. He’d be saying something like “Are you fucking kidding me, Clark? I literally told you, you only get one life and it’s your duty to live it as fully as possible."

This Lou feels so different to me. She's lost her large personality, and I'm not sure if that's her grief or just poor writing. Lou was always the girl with a clever comeback and had absolutely no filter. Now it feels like she barely cracks a joke. The whole book was spent with Lou wallowing in self pity and guilt. I kept asking myself "Where the hell is this going?"

I felt the events in this book were so unnatural and improbable. It came across forced, like drama just for the sake of drama. What are the chances that she falls off a roof, through an awning, and lands on a fucking daybed? AND LIVES? And if that wasn't enough suddenly Will's long lost kid shows up who no one ever knew about. THEN when Lou finally finds a new guy, her paramedic no less, HE GETS SHOT. Honestly this felt more like fan fiction and not work that we know Jojo is capable.

Back to the random kid. Lily is inconsequential to the story, she just brings in the Will aspect for readers. Without her, Lou still would have fallen, survived, gone to her therapy group, met Sam the paramedic, and STILL would have gone to New York without him.

I felt like this book was really unnecessary, it doesn’t add anything to the original story. On top of that, Jojo recently announced she’s writing a third book, because ‘I’ve always seen it as a trilogy’.JAYSUS. If a second book wasn’t necessary, what the hell is going to happen in this third book?

Lou gets shot in NY? Hit by a taxi? Gets her green card revoked by a new Executive Order travel ban? Will has another kid no one knows about? Sam dies in a plane crash visiting her? Somehow Lou survives another improbable situation? Because doesn’t SOMETHING have to happen? Otherwise we’d just be reading about Lou changing bed pans and making tea in New York for her new employers. Because there’s a crying need to publish that, I’m sure *eye roll*.

Ok so this is pretty harsh, but despite that I didn’t entirely hate it. Without comparing the two stories, it’s okay, it just doesn’t compare to Me Before You… like at all.

Part of my dislike might be that Will simply wasn’t a part of it. It was really hard for me to grasp that this isn’t Will’s story. It also isn’t Lou’s and Will’s story. It’s Lou’s story, and I had a hard time accepting this.

Let’s be honest, when Jojo publishes the third book, I’ll read it. Because it’s Jojo. But will I enjoy it? Not likely. The only possible way this story was ever meant to be a trilogy was if Jojo stretched out Will’s death until the third book. Then we could get more witty banter, more detail of the short time Lou spent with Will. Maybe then I would actually enjoy all three.

With the first book, I loved it: I cried, I worshiped it. That’s not the case here, and if I have to think of the journey ending with Me Before You just to sleep at night, I will. I had hope then, I was happy then.

If this feels like a rant, sorry.

BUT! There were a few good things that came out of this reading experience. Louisa’s dad said “Jaysus” at one point in response to climbing too many stairs and it has now become Geneva’s and my own favorite saying and reply during texts. Also- back, crack, and sack- I just can’t. I actually burst out laughing when Lou’s dad said that.

Anyway… If you loved Me Before You, and read it mainly for Will (like I did), I wouldn’t recommend this sequel. If you weren’t satisfied where the previous book was left, and you want more of Lou after Will, then this is the book for you. Bear in mind- you might not like how she spends her life after him. After You Review - Warning: SPOILER ALERT


I had high hopes for this book, and I am not going to be as harsh as Addie , but I will be honest and say this book is definitely one I wish I skipped. It has its moments, but they were sparse. Overall, I was underwhelmed and slightly annoyed, but I don’t think all readers will feel this way. For instance, if you had experienced a death close to you, maybe you would relate more and appreciate the 75% of the book that was a wallow fest straight from Gilmore Girls. Also, if you are super into the feminist movement, 10% of this book is for you! Go get it girl! Mothers with bratty teenage girls, you get a spot on the team as well-20% (Why you would be reading a young adult novel is another issue). Anyone with a medical personnel fetish, you’re in- 2%. I am attempting to give this book a break, but WHAT WERE YOU THINKING JOJO!

For anyone that read the first book, it is clear that it ended on a positive note, with Lou in Paris ready to follow in Will’s footsteps and get out of her small town bubble. This however came to a crashing halt as readers stepped into Lou’s current world in After You. Honestly, it was a large amount of complaining, majority being self deprecation, dash of relationship, sprinkle of a bastard child,

hint of bad parenting, and finish it off with the cherry of almost fatal gunshot wounds.

As you can see, this novel is everywhere and nowhere that the audience wanted it to be. I looked at the comments that literary critics gave the book on the back cover (they only put the good ones obviously), and I found a striking number of ones that said it was unexpected. I can appreciate that because it was definitely unexpected, but it wasn’t followed through as well as I hoped. Reminded me of an off brand Fault in

Our Stars without the cancer (there are an overwhelming amount of similarities actually). I mean look at any one of the Bridget Jones books/movies. British. Out of relationship. Lonely. Staying in crappy flat. Not supportive mother. Nice dad. But what is After You missing? A strong influence of Colin Firth-like character (strong, bold) and WITTINESS. Lou lost her character. Her appeal, and unfortunately the book suffered because of it.

I’d like to think I am an average reader that doesn’t take much to be pleased. Little romance, little humor, and an actual plot and I’m ready to go. Though, this seriously felt like they were trying to get more money from their viewership and readers. The book didn’t add a whole heck of a lot to the original story line either. Who knows? Maybe I just had unrealistic expectations like she would be traveling all over, meet some friends (did anyone notice she has none?), find a guy, perhaps get a dog…?

I can see a third book as well as Addie. After I finished this novel, I called her and said that Moyes will certainly end up breaking up Lou’s relationship, Nathan may come on to her making her quit her job and work at a gas station, she may get mugged, insert bad view of America on top of it. It’s all rather bleak. But hey, no where to go but up I suppose!

All I know is that I wasn’t impressed, and I guess not a big enough fan to stay with Lou through the thick of it (I did for you guys, you’re welcome) and enjoy it.

Better Read than Dead,

Addie & Geneva

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